
All flight equipment.

Fabrics & self-adhesive materials

Update on the multitude of fabric references and various self-adhesive materials. Our “home” products and services covered by this theme: The world is becoming more complex!At the beginning…

The right sticker for your paraglider

Update on the multitude of fabric references and various self-adhesive materials. Our “in-house” productions and services covered by this theme: To know the reference of the fabric of…


All our demo and used paragliders are available for test-rental, in principle for one day. Refund in case of purchase of a new paraglider The amounts invoiced for…

SHOP | used & discontinued

All our occasions are visible in our internet shop. Items marked “In Stock” are, Shop USED paragliders > Shop USED harnesses > Shop USED parachutes > Shop USED…

Fifty ways to fly better

Le livre pédagogique de BRUCE GOLDSMITH et ses amis !
C’est un ouvrage incontournable pour les pilotes qui veulent améliorer leur potentiel. Vous y retrouverez les dernières techniques et théories élaborées par Bruce Goldsmith et quelques-uns des meilleurs pilotes et instructeurs mondiaux…