HARNESSES | Lifespan 10 or 15 years??

Manufacturers recommend not to use a harness for more than 10 years. Nine in good condition for 5 years is tolerated.

We generally cannot know the date of first use, so it is the production date that is taken into account. If we count the maximum 5 years of storage and 10 years of use, we can say that since the date of production,

the service life of a harness is a maximum of 15 years.

Text of the manufacturer KORTEL appearing on all the manuals of their harness and on their site.

The lifespan of your harness depends on the frequency and mode of use. Mechanical stresses, friction gradually degrade properties. U.V. and humidity can also lead to accelerated aging.

Normal duration of use: 10 years.

Warning : This duration of use is indicative. A harness can be destroyed on its first use. A check every 2 years determines whether the product should be disposed of more quickly. Between uses, proper storage is essential.

The operating time must never exceed 10 years.

To see at the bottom of the page on the site KORTEL > HERE

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